We need your family Stories from 1916!

'Stories from 1916' is a free resource available to anyone who has an interest in the lesser-known stories of the 'ordinary' men and women involved in the RisingHelp us to build this online collection into something truly special by participating in the project and sharing your family stories. If you have a story to share, or if you know someone that does, please use the form below to provide us with your contact details and a brief outline of the story you wish to share, and one of our team members will get back to you as soon as possbile. 


**We will NEVER share your information with any third party**


'Stories from 1916' is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational project sponsored by The Chicago Irish Brotherhood. Thanks to your generous, tax-deductible contribution (U.S. only), we will continue to tell the lesser-known stories of the 'ordinary' men and women who did extraordinary things during the 1916 Rising. 

Make a Donation →



Our partners are a hugely important part of this project. With their help we can continue to collect, present and promote as many of these important family stories as possible. If you are interested in becoming a partner, or know of someone who might be, please connect with us by following the link below. 

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